Behind The Idea …

Jennifer Hurst

Oftentimes, businesses and corporations want to do more in the community but do not have the resources or budget to hire a full-time position.  I can work within the budget you set to achieve these goals.

With over 20 years of experience in community development and program development, I’m here to help you increase your community presence, value, and revenue!

I come equipped with an incredible network of the area’s top leaders in business and nonprofit

My Experience

My dream and the reason for creating What’s The Big Idea? is for the purpose of adding support to nonprofits and businesses I love.  

My knowledge and expertise come from not only formal education but, being a part of the good, bad and ugly in nonprofit and business leadership.  I seek to elevate the good, help you cope with the bad and name the ugly so that we can deal with it and actually find a resolution rather than a quick or temporary fix.

I’m me.  Yep!  I am me, all of the time.  I am genuine and honest.  I will be honest with you about problems and TOGETHER we will come up with a variety of options for solutions no matter the challenge before us.

My Coaching Style

My top leadership strengths are empathy and encouragement. 

Using the CliftonStrengths model, my top 5 strengths are:

Recognizes and cultivates the potential in others. Spots the signs of each small improvement and derives satisfaction from evidence of progress.

Exudes contagious enthusiasm. Maintains an upbeat attitude and gets others excited about their upcoming activities.

Holds certain core values that remain unchanging. From these values emerges a defined purpose in life.

Is intrigued by the unique qualities of each person. Possesses a gift for figuring out how different people can work together productively.

Can organize with a flexibility that enhances this ability. Enjoys determining how all pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity.

Click Here to view my full report.

I am an 2 on the Enneagram.

What is a 2 on the enneagram? Enneagram Type 2s, also known as "The Helper," are known for being generous, kind, and warm-hearted. They are motivated by a desire to help others and make them feel loved and comfortable.

Learn more about the Enneagram here!

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